Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers

Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers - editia 2

Autor/i: CREE
Editura: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Tip coperta: Paperback
Disponibil si in alt format: Hardback
ISBN-13: 9780415446228
An publicare: 2010
Data publicare: 27.05.2010
Nr pagini: 256
Status:La comanda Pret:25,95 GBP (158,48 Lei)
Fully revised and updated throughout, this second edition examines sociology in relation to key areas of social work and probation practice, and includes two new chapters. It provides an introduction to sociological ideas and research and places them firm

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Trauma and Physical Health

Trauma and Physical Health

BANYARD Taylor & Francis
94.4 GBP
Strength and Diversity in Social Work with Groups

Strength and Diversity in Social Work with Groups

COHEN Taylor & Francis
37.75 GBP
Principles of Counseling and Psychotherapy

Principles of Counseling and Psychotherapy

MOZDZIERZ Taylor & Francis
32.98 GBP
Research for Effective Social Work Practice

Research for Effective Social Work Practice

KRYSIK Taylor & Francis
82.6 GBP